Press room - Boutique Coeur d'Artichaut
PRess room
You can find us in those magazines :
A few web articles who are talking about us
A stylist who work for the cinema explain to us how she created the decors for Pet Cemetary (from a Stephen King novel). A lot of accessories comes from the Coeur d'Artichaut boutique.
Interesting to see how the light can create this scary ambiance.
Click on the picture to read the article (in french)
A charming article in a little bit after the opening of the boutique in july 2017.
Click on the picture to read the article (in french)
5 preferred home decor boutique of Ton Petit Look; Coeur d'Artichaut is proud to be in this list !
Click on the picture to read the article (in french)
Very nice article who understood the essence of why and how we choose our collections. And, bonus, the smile of the owner : Elisheva San Nicolas
Click on the picture to read the article (in french)
Our crushs from the winter 2018 Maison et Objets (Paris) edition
Click on the picture to read the article (in french)
Interview between Valérie Sicotte (Damask et Dentelle) and Elisheva San Nicolas (owner of Coeur d'Artichaut). Elisheva talks about her motivations when she opened the boutique and her decoration inspirations.
Video available through Vanessa Sicotte Youtube channel
Our partnerships with book writers :

We work with Josée Fiset (Founder of Première Moisson) for the realisation of those lovely recipes notepad. All the kitchenware you see on those little books comes from the boutique.
Available in every Première Moisson and at Coeur d'Artichaut - 4.95$.

We really appreciate Josée Di Stasio ! We remember when she entered in the boutique a few days after the opening... we were like groupies in front of our idol. It has been a pleasure to collaborate to the making of her great book : A la soupe.
Available at the boutique and online

Our friendship with Caroline Dostie is strong ! Together, we developed great decors to show how desserts made of strawberry and raspberries from Québec !
Available at the boutique and online
Our newsletter
Latest news about the boutique are in our newsletter